Motivation is something that is hard to hold on too. There are very few, if any, that are motivated to workout out or follow a nutrition plan all the time.
We start out with a bang! We are killing it everyday for a week at the gym, and we haven’t had our favorite food for two!
Then it fades, we are tired, we are sore, we really need that treat. Back to the couch we went, we failed. But you didn’t! What you experienced is normal.
Here is a little secret, motivation will always wane, especially if we start out too hard and too fast. That’s why it’s better to focus on the habits and build discipline.
Discipline is doing something like brushing your teeth, getting up when the alarm goes off, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, those things we really don’t think about doing, instead we build the habits to take care of those routine, but mandatory tasks. I don’t know about you, but I am not motivated to do any of those things!
Losing motivation doesn’t have to be an excuse to give up on your fitness program!
Motivation is awesome if you got it, but it’s those habits you continue to build when you are not motivated which gives you the biggest gains toward your fitness goals.
Comment below if you have been guilty of using this excuse.
Download the Free Habit Tracker here on the website to get you started