This is something I read recently and it struck me hard because I worked out 7 days a week forever, and December this year I let myself get derailed by other things, and honestly it was tough to get started again. Something that was routine for me became a chore…. And one I ignored!
I created a challenge for myself recently and it has been a game changer, I am doing something everyday, but it was brutal getting started again. My muscles fatigued more quickly, I couldn’t lift the same weight and it was all discouraging. Why is it that things become so hard, so fast? Not fair.
Know it is not easy for anyone. You don’t have to be perfect, take small steps everyday as long as there are steps. If you don’t feel like doing a full workout, or doing homework, or redoing the room you’ve been talking about for ages? Just do something, if you have to, set an alarm for 10-15 minutes so you do it.
It must be everyday, and I promise it will get easier, this is building discipline and has nothing to do with motivation. If we make motivation the factor to get shit done, it oftentimes does not happen. It’s the stuff you make yourself do, that provides the most reward.
Here’s some ideas to get you going:
1) Give yourself a challenge – SPECIFIC you need a time frame for it to end, also REALISTIC.. Not just redo this room, it must be, Redo this room in a month – by cleaning the first week, pulling carpet week two, painting week three, furnishing week four. Write it down. By setting small goals each week you make them ATTAINABLE so you don’t get discouraged with the progress.
2) Move more, get off that couch between episodes on Netflix and walk around your kitchen table for 5 minutes. Do it everyday, when that feels good, try taking the walk outdoors or on a treadmill for 30 minutes, and keep progressing by setting new goals.
3) Focus on adequate rest, you should aim for no less than 7 hours of sleep, minimum. If this is a problem for you, set a routine everyday. Start by putting away your screens earlier, maybe read, listen to music. I am guilty of pushing this limit too, but it is so important, sleep is critical memories are consolidated during sleep, sleep serves a key role in emotional regulation and the ability to think clearly. The connections between sleep disruption, and both disease and mortality have become more firmly established, including hypertension, weight-related issues, and metabolic syndrome.