Month: May 2019

Pushing your limits

Today I wore a shirt I received from a guy who competed for the USA in Russia at a world competition in arm wrestling and he placed 4th, IN THE WORLD !!!!

And as I sit, during my rest, between sets of lat pulldowns, I think my God the commitment it took to get there! Pushing your limits everyday….never phoning it in, seeking out stronger and stronger competition, learning from them and never ever stop pushing to be the best. 

There are days when I say “well something is better than nothing”, and while this can be true, it will not get you to world competition level. Don’t get me wrong we all start somewhere, but you can no longer keep swimming in the same place, being complacent if you want to reach your goals. After thinking about this guy’s drive and determination to get where he wanted to be, you better believe I pushed that weight to failure…every set, every rep, was made with determination.
While he no longer competes professionally, I had the pleasure of attending a local competition (how I got the shirt) and even after all these years he still kicked butt and placed against a much younger crowd. You know what I saw? The younger competitors coming over shaking hands and asking for tips, which he happily gave to them. The camaraderie I saw between these competitors was inspiring. Respect was mutual and no one was there to see you fail, they were there to support each other, and the sport they love. 

So my lesson today. push or you will not get where you’re going; learn from those who you can; and support those rising behind you.